I am a firm believer in having to take initiative to heal our wounds and traumas ourselves. Lesson #1 is that we can’t fix people or force them into healing and change. It’s a choice and requires a level of self-awareness & deep discomfort that many people avoid. And I get it, it’s really difficult. But, we don’t grow when we’re comfortable. If you are planning /are going through it now/have already gone through it, I am so proud of you.
We are responsible for doing the work to grow while releasing old beliefs & limitations that may stem from childhood. This means we are completely learning to rewire our brains, picking apart our subconscious minds so we can let go of what no longer serves us. It’s examining everything we’ve ever known and learning what we truly believe and want out of life. It’s hard, sometimes messy work.
With that being said, it’s important to understand that all things we use on our healing journeys are tools to help us along the way. While we’re doing the work trying to get familiar with our shadow selves and transforming into who we’re destined to become, we can always count on tools to help.
There’s no right way to do life and no set timeframe it takes to feel that it’s complete. The journey’s usually a difficult process of asking questions, solitude, and facing trauma. It gets very lonely and confusing for me, but the breakthroughs and ascension will always be worth it. It brings peace & freedom, and that’s priceless. I hope you keep that in mind, too.
Please keep in mind that there is no right or wrong way to heal. Having an open mind and not resisting change and discomfort are vital. Your journey will never look like someone else’s and that’s why it’s also so important to not compare yourself to others. If you are beginning your own spiritual awakening, these are some amazing tools to keep in mind + their benefits:
If you aren’t someone who is religious or etc. please know that praying can be used in many ways. The traditional way of praying is not the only option available. You can pray to any higher power (Angels, God/Goddess, Source, Universe, Self, etc.) that you believe in. Many people pray as a form of manifestation as well. I think praying is a wonderful way to have a conversation with yourself. I sometimes consider this a mental journaling sesh.
It’s not news that people spend time exercising to stress + emotional relief while improving strength and overall health. There are so many types of exercise and it can take time to find what you enjoy most. Personally, yoga has helped immensely with my mental health (my favorite types of yoga are hot yoga and yoga nidra). I began practicing yoga for the physical benefits and was amazed with the spiritual, mental, and emotional benefits it also brings. Whatever exercise you enjoy, spend more time doing that.
I have been journaling since I was a pre-teen. It has always been something that I enjoy plus it helps me tremendously. Journaling is a way for me to empty all of these thoughts running through my mind, especially intrusive thoughts. Also, as Alex Elle (author, teacher, & so many other amazing things) shares, journaling can be like a mirror, showing many parts of yourself you may not have noticed.
It really helps me pinpoint patterns in my life and causes for emotions I have. It allows us to be 100% honest with ourselves. Journaling is very important to me, which is one of the reasons I invite and encourage people to journal in my yoga workshops. Lists, free journaling (brain dumping), themed writing, and dream journals are amazing if you don’t know where to start.
Spending time in nature is one of my favorite forms of ‘medicine’. I never get sick of my trips going camping, hiking, seeing waterfalls, breathing in the fresh air. It gives me a sense of peace and brings me back to myself. Being in nature really can help uplift your mood, and during the pandemic amid the lockdown, escaping into nature helped so many people cope.
My favorite way to escape into nature is by visiting Sedona every once in a while. I am so thankful that it’s only a two hour drive from Phoenix, so I take advantage of Sedona’s beautiful energy. I also love taking road trips to national parks around the U.S. and I highly recommend it!
Nourishing Foods
Everything we put into our bodies influences us. When we make the decision to continuously give in to things like high processed foods or our favorite fast-food drive thru, we always feel it later. It’s no secret that gut health is extremely important, research says it’s like our second brain. So, I always eat as best as I can and choose foods that’ll nourish my body rather than satisfy a bad craving.
Meditating is always one of the hardest things people don’t like to do at first, then gradually fall in love with. It requires you to sit with yourself and see what comes up for you. Meditation is a practice and is not meant to be perfect. There are so many types of meditation, my favorites being mindfulness and guided meditation.
I personally always come up with the best ideas and have amazing breakthroughs with meditation, always receiving messages and answers. If you are looking for great guided meditations, I recommend going to workshops near you, checking YouTube, or downloading an app like Headspace.
Pranayama (Breathwork)
I was first introduced to breath work when completing my yoga teacher training. We practiced through all types of breathing techniques and this is where my love for Pranayama began. You can implement breath work when you’re under high stress/anxiety or in your regular exercise or meditation practices.
Breathwork is extremely helpful when you need to calm your mind and recenter yourself, it’s an active form of meditation that allows you to guide with your body (breath) rather than the mind first. These techniques have also helped me with physical balance and form during yoga and exercise. Breathwork has become one of my favorite tools for healing and relaxation.
Personally, I never stop having interest in new topics. Not only is it a way to expand my mind, but it keeps me busy in a healthy way. I love podcasts, documentaries, informative TikToks, taking classes, reading books, and even networking with others.
Also, when we invest in knowledge & education, it allows us to better understand situations in our lives. For example, if you’re dealing with an illness etc. you can take time to learn about nutrition & supplements to help heal yourself. Also, as a side note, investing in education can also help you to find what you’re passionate about. Knowledge is power.
- Podcasts: The Highest Self Podcast, EXPANDED, The Blonde Files, Almost 30, and On Being.
- Books: Bhagavad Gita, Many Lives, Many Masters, The Power of Now & A New Earth, and Discover Your Dharma.
- Classes: Arts, health, yoga, something for your hobbies/passions, think workshops that you get to focus on yourself and learn.
This may be one of the best tools when on your journey of healing. Healers assist with exactly that-healing. Depending on your needs, there are so many healers available out there to help you. How beautiful is it that there are people who have studied and dedicated themselves to help others this way? Healers in general have had a major influence on me and have helped tremendously in my journey. That is also a huge reason I decided to become a yoga teacher. There are so many, here are some to consider:
- Reiki
- Chiropractor + Masseuse (acupuncture, massage, cupping, dry needling, etc.)
- Ayurveda + Nutritionists
- Yoga + Meditation + Breathwork Instructors
- Therapists + Life Coaches
- Teachers
- Naturopathy + Homeopathy
- Shamans
Support Systems
This is one tool that really deserves so much praise. If your support system only consists of one person (even if it’s just yourself!), you understand the importance of it. I think it’s so important to lean on your friends, family, mentor, spouse, anyone who genuinely supports you, for love, advice, and support.
While it can be so easy to adopt the “I’m independent, I don’t need anyone”, “I’m ashamed”, “I don’t have time” mentalities, letting go of ego is a vital part of our spiritual growth. Human connection is so special, it teaches us wonderful lessons and we learn so much from the ones around us. Practice saying yes to your support system.
Overall, this post was meant to offer you ideas of where to turn when you’re searching for extra support along the way. This is something that I think could’ve helped me when I first started this wonderful journey back to myself. Some days are harder than others and it’s going to be okay. This is also a reminder that you are not as alone as you think you are.
Sending you love & light, always. ❤