If you’re running low on time and are in need of a Halloween costume idea, Cupid is a cute and easy option. My 2020 costume was last minute (like always) and I effortlessly put this together so I have no doubts that you can, too. It’s also inexpensive, some of the materials used were things I already had at home.
I did not expect to do a blog this year about how to make the costume so I don’t have any photos on the DIY steps. You can see my props in the photos I have from Halloween night!
For The Outfit:
- Red wings: Picked up at Spirit Halloween for $24.
- Red tutu: I found mine at Walmart $14 and wore read shorts under.
- Bow & Arrow with a heart tip: DIY or purchase on Etsy or Amazon.
- Red Fishnet Tights: $8 at Spirit Halloween.
- Headpiece with hearts: DIY or purchase on Etsy (saw them for $13-$27).
- Red bralette: Any lingerie store or online boutique.
For The Diy Props:
If you will be making your own props like I did, you’ll need a few extra things:
- Cardboard to make hearts.
- Red glitter scrapbooking paper (at least about 4 pieces).
- Red ribbon or thick red yarn for the bow.
- Any headband (red or black preferred).
- Quick-Drying tacky glue for cardboard.
- Hot glue gun.
- 1 long wooden skewer for the arrow.
- Thin, sturdy wire.
- A wooden hanger for the arrow.
*I found most materials at Michaels and used coupons (they always have coupons on their website!). The cardboard was from a box in the garage we had. You can also consider spray painting your arrow red if you’re short on time!
Diy Heart Headband:
- Trace hearts onto cardboard and cut them out (I did 5 hearts and the 6th one was on the arrow).
- Use the cardboard heart cutouts on the red glitter scrapbook paper to trace hearts. You’ll make enough for both sides of the hearts to cover the cardboard. Example: if you do 5 cardboard hearts, trace and cut out 10 glitter hearts. (I recommend cutting the hearts on the glitter paper out a bit larger than the cardboard so it’ll completely cover it.)
- Cut up pieces of the wire and securely wrap them around the headband. Make sure they’ll be long enough to add the hearts. Stick the wire into the cardboard and glue them in so they’ll be secure.
- Glue the glitter hearts onto both sides of the cardboard hearts. Optional: add glitter paper around border of the hearts to cover cardboard completely.
Diy Bow & Arrow:
- Remove the hook and bar off of a wooden hanger so only the wood piece is left.
- Tightly wrap your red ribbon or yarn around the wood, covering it completely and hot glue the ends. Make sure it’s tight so it won’t unwind.
- Use yarn or any string to wrap and connect the ends of your bow. I used black string and tied mine in knots + glued it so it wouldn’t come undone.
- For your arrow, use your glitter heart cutout and attach it to the tip of the skewer. Hot glue it to ensure it’s secure.
- With leftover red glitter paper, draw out an arrow with slits. I did mine double sided just like the hearts but didn’t use cardboard here. Hot glue it on the end of your wooden skewer to finish your arrow.
- I attached the arrow to the bow by securing it with string and glue in the center of the bow and held my prop throughout the night.

If you aren’t short on time, you can search for better methods and materials for the props. Mine was last minute and I figured the props out as I made them. It was a lot of trial and error.
You can also make an arrow holder as another prop and add a ton of accessories like red hearts to your makeup. This project took very little time, most of it was waiting for the glue to dry! Overall, it was easy and one of my favorite costumes I’ve put together. I hope you love it, too!