As 2021 has come to an end, I hope you are all practicing gratitude a little extra for all that we’ve been through and all that’s to come. The end of each year can seem so bittersweet, with so many holidays and celebrations while also having many yearly endings. I love using the end of the year to reflect on the good and the growth.
Here are my top 7 reminders that helped me grow this year:
Life forces you to change directions when you aren’t listening to your intuition, or when you’re having trouble accepting the change. This always seem terrible at first, I always find myself questioning the change. In the long run, it is always for the best and the ‘better’ I search for always comes.
Put yourself first, especially when it comes to health. I know we hear this all the time, but I’m here to remind you of this simple lesson. It carries so much truth. I know so many people that are selfless to a fault, resulting in constant issues. No job, relationship, or situation is worth losing yourself over. Selfishness is necessary, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise! We only have one body in this lifetime, protect it at all costs.
Accept challenges and don’t be afraid to begin again. I say this because I have given up and failed just to begin all over again so many times, and there’s no shame in this. If you weren’t ready then and you are now, then trust that the things are unfolding exactly as they should. I believe in divine timing.
The better option is always to be disliked for being your authentic self. Everything else is a waste of the time we barely have. You’ll attract the right people and opportunities when you’re unapologetically yourself. This is why I always talk about releasing what no longer serves you.
Solitude is a beautiful thing. Looking back at some of my goals for 2021, I realized that I really wanted to build a deeper relationship with myself. Being someone who was always so used to being around other people, especially as an extrovert, I cherish my solitude now more than anything. Time spent with myself is powerful. I have Covid-19 to thank a little extra for this lesson.
Silencing the outer noise helps to create inner peace. We are often drowned and influenced by so many outer sources that we begin to fear judgment or disappointment, and sometimes lose track of what’s important to us. Only when we become silent and regain control do we get to learn about our deepest desires.
Last but not least, the main lesson that was reintroduced to me in 2021 was the importance of prioritizing myself. It may look different for everyone, but with this will come peace, growth, love, and our desires unfolding.
I’m wishing you all a healthy and abundant 2022 filled with love, contentment, and new adventures.
Cheers to 2022! ♥